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vDiscord is an API that allows you to interact with a Discord Bot. The resource comes in two "pieces", the API itself that runs outside of the server, and vConnect. The API and vConnect uses a websocket to communicate, meaning all interactions are instantaneous.

Why the websocket?

Discord.js won't run on server due some compatability issues. There used to be a forked version of discord.js that ran on server, but it stopped working for me, so I had to write an API instead. Although it's annoying having to run it outside the server, it brings the benefit of being able to run the latest version of discord.js.



Node.js (download here) and a discord bot in your community's discord server (You can create a bot here).


  1. Download or clone the resource from this repository. When you open the downloaded folder you will find two folders; vConnect and vAPI.

  2. Move vConnect into your resource folder and add ensure vConnect to your server.cfg. Open a command-line interface (CMD, Bash, Powershell etc.), and navigate to the vConnect folder. Type npm install, and wait for npm to install all dependencies.

  3. Move vAPI to a location of your choice outside of the server files i.e. the desktop. Open your CLI and navigate to the vAPI folder. Type the following npm install and wait for npm to install all dependencies. To start the API, navigate to the folder in your CLI and type node src/index.js. I'd recommend setting up a .bat file for this so that you don't have to check the docs everytime you want to start the API.

It does not matter if you start the API before or after the server, or if you close and reopen it while the server is running. When vConnect connects to vAPI a message will be logged in both consoles.


You have to configure both scripts before running them.



  • Open config.api.json.
  • Change botToken to the token of the discord bot you're using (
  • Change guildId to the ID of you community's discord server (Enable developer mode on discord, right click your server and press "Copy ID").
  • Change websocketToken to a token of your choice, this is to ensure no unauthorized connections take place so it should preferably be something hard to guess.


  • Open config.json.
  • Change queryToken to the same token as websocketToken. Again, make it secure as this is to prevent unauthorized connections.



Methods for interacting with a user, currently used for adding/removing roles, sending DMs and moving a user to a VC.


user(type, data, cb => {});
Parameter Type Description
type String Used to define which type of interaction you want to use
data Object or String Object containing data neccessary for the function, see below for more info
cb Callback Callback returning an object with a status message (success or error)



Used for adding a role to a user.

data object structure:

Parameter Type Description
user String ID of the user you're adding the role to
role String ID of the role you wish to add

Example Code

exports.discord.user("roleAdd", {
    user: "230347924951793664",
    role: "774617965337247765"
}, cb => {


    "err": true / false,
    "message": status_message


    "err": true / false,
    "message": status_message


    "err": true / false,
    "message": status_message

Used for removing a role to from user.

data object structure:

Parameter Type Description
user String ID of the user you're removing the role from
role String ID of the role you wish to remove

Example Code

exports.discord.user("roleRemove", {
    user: "230347924951793664",
    role: "774617965337247765"
}, cb => {


    "err": true / false,
    "message": status_message


    "err": true / false,
    "message": status_message


    "err": true / false,
    "message": status_message

Used for moving a user to a different VC.

data object structure:

Parameter Type Description
user String ID of the user you're moving
channel String ID of the channel you're moving the user to

Example Code

exports.discord.user("moveVC", {
    user: "230347924951793664",
    channel: "811258115537371186"
}, cb => {


    "err": true / false,
    "message": status_message


    "err": true / false,
    "message": status_message


    "err": true / false,
    "message": status_message

Used for sending a DM to a user.

data object structure:

Parameter Type Description
user String ID of the user you're messaging
message String or Object Message content either as string or an embed object

Example Code

exports.discord.user("semdDM", {
    user: "230347924951793664",
    message: "Hi :)"
}, cb => {


    "err": true / false,
    "message": status_message


    "err": true / false,
    "message": status_message


    "err": true / false,
    "message": status_message


Export used to send regualar and embed messages to a channel, intended to be used for logging.


    sendLogMsg(type, channel, data, cb => {});
Parameter Type Description
type String Used to define which type of message you want to send
channel String Used to define which channel the message should be sent to
data Object or String Object or string containing message data, content depends on type, see below for more info on this
cb Callback Callback returning a bool and an object containing message info/any error messages



Used for sending a regular message to a channel, takes a string as data.

Example Code

const channel = "*textchannel id*";
const message = "Hello World!";
exports.discord.sendLogMsg("regular", channel, message, cb => {


If the channel is valid and the message is successfully delivered:

    "sent": true,
    "id": "*message id*",
    "channelId": "*id of textchannel*"

If the channel is invalid or some other error occurs:

    "sent": false,
    "error": err.message


If the channel is valid and the message is successfully delivered:

    "sent": true,
    "id": "*message id*",
    "channelId": "*id of textchannel*"

If the channel is invalid or some other error occurs:

    "sent": false,
    "error": err.message


If the channel is valid and the message is successfully delivered:

    "sent": true,
    "id": "*message id*",
    "channelId": "*id of textchannel*"

If the channel is invalid or some other error occurs:

    "sent": false,
    "error": err.message

Used for sending a embed message to a channel, takes an object as data.

Example Code

const channel = "*textchannel id*";
const embedobj = { 
    "content": "<@&767803636926906419>",
    "embed": {
        author: {
        name: "Name of author",
        iconURL: ""
        color: "12745742",
        title: "This is a title",
        description: "This is a description",
        fields: [
            name: "field1",
            value: "field 1 text"
            name: "field2",
            value: "field 2 text"
        footer: {
            text: "Test © Petrikov",
            iconURL: ""
exports.discord.sendLogMsg("embed", channel, embedobj, cb => {


If the channel is valid and the message is successfully delivered:

    "sent": true,
    "id": "*message id*",
    "channelId": "*id of textchannel*"

If the channel is invalid or some other error occurs:

    "sent": false,
    "error": err.message


If the channel is valid and the message is successfully delivered:

    "sent": true,
    "id": "*message id*",
    "channelId": "*id of textchannel*"

If the channel is invalid or some other error occurs:

    "sent": false,
    "error": err.message


If the channel is valid and the message is successfully delivered:

    "sent": true,
    "id": "*message id*",
    "channelId": "*id of textchannel*"

If the channel is invalid or some other error occurs:

    "sent": false,
    "error": err.message


Returns an object containing user data.


getUserData(user, cb => {});
Parameter Type Description
user String The ID of the user you're fetching data for.
cb Callback Callback returning the data object or undefined

Example Code

const userId = "*userID*";
exports.discord.getUserData(user, (completed, data) => {
    console.log(completed, data)


If the user id is valid and the bot can successfully gather the data:

    "id": "*users ID*",
    "guildId": "*guild ID*",
    "tag": "username#0000",
    "displayName": "*users displayname in guild*",
    "roles": [
        "role 1 id",
        "role 2 id",
        "role 3 id"

If the user id is invalid or some other error occurs: (Error info will be logged in console)



If the user id is valid and the bot can successfully gather the data:

true {
    "id": "*users ID*",
    "guildId": "*guild ID*",
    "tag": "username#0000",
    "displayName": "*users displayname in guild*",
    "roles": [
        "role 1 id",
        "role 2 id",
        "role 3 id"

If the user id is invalid or some other error occurs:

false *error message ex. "Cannot read property 'user' of undefined"*


If the user id is valid and the bot can successfully gather the data:

true {
    "id": "*users ID*",
    "guildId": "*guild ID*",
    "tag": "username#0000",
    "displayName": "*users displayname in guild*",
    "roles": [
        "role 1 id",
        "role 2 id",
        "role 3 id"

If the user id is invalid or some other error occurs:

false *error message ex. "Cannot read property 'user' of undefined"*


Checks if a user is banned in the guild specified in the config.

checkDiscordBan(user, cb => {});
Parameter Type Description
user String The ID of the user you're checking.
cb Callback Callback returning a bool and the reason for the ban or an error message

Example Code

const user = "*userID*"
exports.jsbase.checkDiscordBan(user, (bool, reason) => {
    console.log(bool, reason);


If the user is banned:

    state: true,
    reason: "*Reason for ban*"

If the user is not banned:

    state: false,
    reason: undefined

If an error occured:

    state: false,
    reason: "*error message*"


If the user is banned:

    state: true,
    reason: "*Reason for ban*"

If the user is not banned:

    state: false,
    reason: undefined

If an error occured:

    state: false,
    reason: "*error message*"


If the user is banned:

    state: true,
    reason: "*Reason for ban*"

If the user is not banned:

    state: false,
    reason: undefined

If an error occured:

    state: false,
    reason: "*error message*"



Is triggered when a user is updated in the guild, i.e. name, roles etc.

Server side event

on('vConnect:guildMemberUpdate', ( m ) => {} );
Parameter Type Description
m Callback Callback returning an object with info on updated the guild member

Example Code

on('vConnect:guildMemberUpdate', (m) => {


    "id": "*users ID*",
    "guildId": "*guild ID*",
    "tag": "username#0000",
    "displayName": "*users displayname in guild*",
    "roles": [
        "role 1 id",
        "role 2 id",
        "role 3 id"


If the user id is valid and the bot can successfully gather the data:

true {
    "id": "*users ID*",
    "guildId": "*guild ID*",
    "tag": "username#0000",
    "displayName": "*users displayname in guild*",
    "roles": [
        "role 1 id",
        "role 2 id",
        "role 3 id"


If the user id is valid and the bot can successfully gather the data:

true {
    "id": "*users ID*",
    "guildId": "*guild ID*",
    "tag": "username#0000",
    "displayName": "*users displayname in guild*",
    "roles": [
        "role 1 id",
        "role 2 id",
        "role 3 id"

Client side event

Functions exactly same way as the server side event, but will be triggered in client scripts (Currently triggers on ALL clients, which might not be optimal. Expect possible change here).

onNet('vConnect:guildMemberUpdate', ( m ) => {} );
Parameter Type Description
m Object Callback returning an object with info on updated the guild member

Example Code

onNet('vConnect:guildMemberUpdate', (m) => {


    "id": "*users ID*",
    "guildId": "*guild ID*",
    "tag": "username#0000",
    "displayName": "*users displayname in guild*",
    "roles": [
        "role 1 id",
        "role 2 id",
        "role 3 id"


If the user id is valid and the bot can successfully gather the data:

true {
    "id": "*users ID*",
    "guildId": "*guild ID*",
    "tag": "username#0000",
    "displayName": "*users displayname in guild*",
    "roles": [
        "role 1 id",
        "role 2 id",
        "role 3 id"


If the user id is valid and the bot can successfully gather the data:

true {
    "id": "*users ID*",
    "guildId": "*guild ID*",
    "tag": "username#0000",
    "displayName": "*users displayname in guild*",
    "roles": [
        "role 1 id",
        "role 2 id",
        "role 3 id"


Is triggered when a user is banned in the guild.

Server side event

on('vConnect:guildBanAdd', ({ guildId, userInfo, reason }) => { } );
Parameter Type Description
guildId String The ID of the guild the user was banned in
userInfo Object Object containing info about the user (id and username)
reason String The reason for the ban

Example Code

on('vConnect:guildBanAdd', ({ guildId, userInfo, reason }) => { 
    console.log({ guildId, userInfo, reason });


    guildId: "*id of the guild*",
    userinfo: {
        id: "*id of the banned user*",
        username: "*the users name*"
    reason: "*reason for the ban*"


    guildId: "*id of the guild*",
    userinfo: {
        id: "*id of the banned user*",
        username: "*the users name*"
    reason: "*reason for the ban*"


    guildId: "*id of the guild*",
    userinfo: {
        id: "*id of the banned user*",
        username: "*the users name*"
    reason: "*reason for the ban*"


Is triggered when a user is unbanned in the guild.

Server side event

on('vConnect:guildBanRemove', ({ guildId, userInfo}) => { } );
Parameter Type Description
guildId String The ID of the guild the user was unbanned in
userInfo Object Object containing info about the user (id and username)

Example Code

on('vConnect:guildBanRemove', ({ guildId, userInfo}) => { 
    console.log({ guildId, userInfo});


    guildId: "*id of the guild*",
    userinfo: {
        id: "*id of the unbanned user*",
        username: "*the users name*"


    guildId: "*id of the guild*",
    userinfo: {
        id: "*id of the unbanned user*",
        username: "*the users name*"


    guildId: "*id of the guild*",
    userinfo: {
        id: "*id of the unbanned user*",
        username: "*the users name*"